The Baby Arrives
Here is 10 Ways To Prepare For Breastfeeding Before The Baby Arrives. If you are keen on getting ready for your baby, make sure to read our article on 10 ways to prepare for breastfeeding before the baby arrives.
It's quite frequent for expecting moms to want to learn a few tips on preparing for breastfeeding before the baby arrives. This is completely a natural process for mother-to-bes, as they are having a unique experience, and understandably, excited about the situation.
Breastfeeding, as good as it is, necessitates devotion and perseverance. Of course, breastfeeding can be challenging in the early days, particularly for first-time moms. This is why many new mothers give up. Furthermore, according to many breastfeeding moms, giving up has crossed their minds several times.
Although you can't guess what your first encounter would be like, preparing for breastfeeding before the baby arrives is still a smart idea; the postpartum period should be used to relax and reconnect with the infant, not fret about breastfeeding.
Moreover, being prepared increases the chances of breastfeeding your baby for a longer period of time. In the following section, we suggest 10 ways to prepare for breastfeeding before the baby arrives, and hopefully, they will help you. However, as always, always consult professionals who can help you during this process.
1- Do Your Research
According to many pieces of research, the key to successful breastfeeding is an early start. "Learn about breastfeeding with your spouse as soon as you are planning to start a family." - is a piece of advice coined by many experts that you need to follow.
Precisely, try to know your way around questions like:
- What amount of milk does a baby require?
- What's the best way to get a good latch-on?
- What are the safest places for breastfeeding your baby?
You shouldn’t also avoid consulting a professional if you want to know the precise answers.
2- Attend A Class
Many clinics provide prenatal classes as part of birth planning and a more formal approach to learning about breastfeeding. Breastfeeding and infant care are normally included in those programs. During their prenatal appointments, physicians and nurses may offer to breastfeed education to expecting mothers.
Another option is to take structured breastfeeding classes taught by trained lactation consultants. Advocates and advocacy programs for breastfeeding are also good places to go. If you are preparing for breastfeeding before the baby arrives, you should consider checking these options out.
3- Get A Nursing Bra
Breastfeeding bras are made specifically for mothers who are breastfeeding. They have flaps that you can quickly undo when it's time to eat. Moreover, they're made with broader bands and straps to give your children a little more protection. Even though your breast size will rise when the milk comes in, don't wait until then to shop for nursing bras. You'll be too busy to do so in the first few days after the baby is born, so get a few breastfeeding bras ready before the baby arrives.
4- Understand That Breastfeeding Comes With Challenges
Breastfeeding, as you are undoubtedly aware, is not without its difficulties. You might encounter some problems at the beginning of your journey, including sore nipples, unsettled infants, breast engorgement, and mastitis. Make sure you educate yourself about breastfeeding issues and how to deal with them if they arise. As a result, you'll feel more secure in coping with any concerns that emerge when breastfeeding. You even might also be able to stop a lot of them entirely.
5- Get A List of Resources to Help You With Breastfeeding
In case you're having a problem, finding a list of online resources you can check on in dire times will certainly prove helpful. Of course, you shouldn't just leave matters to the internet. Having a professional physician to call when you're having trouble will prove quite helpful, as these experts have years of experience with new mothers.
6- Stock Up On Silver Nipple Cups, Breastfeeding Pillows And A Breast Pump
Silver nipple cups are getting nothing but praises from first-time mothers to midwives. In fact, these nipple cups are easy to use and extremely effective. Another great point is that these nipple cups ensure that no chemicals during breastfeeding are being transferred to the infant.
Of course, they're not only good for your child but you too. They're gentle on the skin, non-toxic and incredibly hygienic. Silver cups for breastfeeding can also be preventative, defensive and soothing, so if you put them on before any pain, soreness or cracks appear, you will never have any issues. You can use them by simply pouring a few drops of breast milk in each nipple cup before adding to the nipple directly. Also, make sure to remove the breast cups for breastfeeding and rinse your nipple before each nursing session.
Moreover, the connection between silver and antibacterial properties has long been known. To ensure freshness, ancient people like the Phoenicians stored water, wine and vinegar in silver containers. However, physicists have just recently figured out why silver works. Simply put, silver prevents bacteria cells from forming the chemical bonds that are essential for their existence. Since these bonds are responsible for the cell's physical stability, bacteria that come into contact with silver literally disintegrates.
A breastfeeding pillow can be yet another asset you can rely on. While taking care of a child is hard by itself, breastfeeding takes this to another level. This process can take a toll on your arms and shoulders while carrying your infant as he suckles, so the breastfeeding pillow is here to relieve you from aches. For time-crunched mothers, being able to go hands-free while breastfeeding is a huge plus.
Eventually, get a ready-to-use breast pump. This involves making sure you can express breast milk easily with the breast pump. You don't want to be assembling and sterilizing pump pieces while the infant is crying.
7- Plan For A Natural Birth
A baby is ready to breastfeed the moment it is born. During this time, an alert baby will begin looking for his mother's breast, stimulating milk production. Aim for a normal, unmedicated birth as much as possible to maximize the odds of breastfeeding success. Certain medications, like pain relievers, can have a sedative effect on both the mother and the child. Throughout the warning stage after birth, the baby may fail to check for the breast and nipple, grasp the areola and suckle.
8- Inform Your Medical Team
Make sure the gynaecologist is aware that you are going to have a child so they can inform you about crucial aspects of breastfeeding. The easiest way to inform them is to have it in your birth schedule so that the nurses can introduce you to your baby for the first meal.
Breastfeeding is promoted in most hospitals, so you shouldn't have a problem getting support from the staff. You can also ask the medical team about silver nipple cups during your stay there to get precise advice on using them.
9- Start Consuming Foods That Boost Milk Supply
Some mothers have ample milk to nurse their infants, while others can have a temporary shortage. Since milk supply takes time to build, it's a great idea to increase milk supply in the weeks leading up to labour. You can consider it as a head start for your body. Galactagogues are foods and herbs known or assumed to improve milk production, and breastfeeding mothers are advised to consume enough of them to enhance breast milk supply.
Many experts in this field believe that fenugreek, fennel, milk thistle, lemongrass, goat's rue, anise, rolled oat, and garlic are among the best galactagogues that can help; still, their results haven't been clinically established yet.
It's more important to eat a well-balanced diet and listen to your body, including eating when you're hungry and drinking when you're thirsty. This is the most physiological and cost-effective approach to maintain a steady supply of milk.
10- Get Hubby On Board
One of the most important things a father-to-be can do to his wife is to support her breastfeeding attempts unreservedly. The father's encouragement is a very significant element in the baby's feeding success. Dads will contribute to the effectiveness of breastfeeding.
If the baby has other caregivers such as grandparents, you must discuss the decision to breastfeed and get their advice. Out of consideration for the child, the older generation may give you advice regarding the milk supply. When you're still drained and stressing out, those remarks can be discouraging even though they're well-intentioned.
As a final remark, consider getting more advice from your family about properly using silver nipple shields, as they've been proven to be beneficial. These nipple cups bring countless benefits, including healing cracks, sores, and blisters on the nipple. Moreover, they are very hygienic and are quite effective.